Category - XP

You want to track system performance for a baseline over a period of three days. You want the data to be collected every ten minutes. Which of the following logs would you create through Performance Logs and Alerts?
  1. Monitoring log
  2. Counter log
  3. Trace log
  4. Baseline log
Answer - B - Counter logs record data about hardware usage and the activity of system services.

Key Takeaway: You can configure logging to occur manually or on a pre-defined schedule. To start or stop a counter log, trace log, or alert manually, open Performance, double-click Performance Logs and Alerts, and click Counter Logs, Trace Logs, or Alerts. In the details pane, right-click the name of the log or alert you want to start or stop and click Start to begin the logging or alert activity you defined. Click Stop to terminate the activity.
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