Category - XP

You want to move the location where offline files are stored from the C: partition to the D: partition, because the C: partition is running out of disk space. The D: drive has plenty of free space available to accommodate offline file-caching requirements. Which of the following methods should you use to accomplish this?
  1. Move the C:\CSC folder to D:\CSC using Windows Explorer.
  2. Use the Cachemove command-line utility to move the CSC folder.
  3. Modify the location of the CSC folder in the Offline Files-Advanced Settings.
  4. Specify the new location of the Client Side Cache files in the Offline Files Wizard.
Answer - B - The CSC folder can be moved through the Cachemove command-line utility.

Key Takeaway: If you want to move the CSC folder, ensure that the new drive has adequate disk space and that the user who is using offline files has appropriate permissions to the new location. By default, this folder is located in C:\Windows\.
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