Which of the following is true about atherosclerotic plaque formation?
  1. Plaque formation is caused by an acute inflammatory response and endothelial dysfunction where lipids, cholesterol, and calcium build up in the arteries
  2. Plaque formation is caused by a chronic inflammatory response and epithelial injury where lipids, cholesterol, and calcium build up in the arteries
  3. Plaque formation is caused by a chronic inflammatory response and endothelial dysfunction where lipids, cholesterol, and calcium build up in the arteries
  4. Plaque formation is caused by an acute inflammatory response and epithelial injury where lipids, cholesterol, and calcium build up in the arteries
Answer- B - The true statement about “Plaque formation is caused by a chronic inflammatory response and epithelial injury where lipids, cholesterol, and calcium build up in the arteries”. Atherosclerotic plaque formation is caused by a chronic inflammatory response and endothelial dysfunction where lipids, cholesterol, calcium, and other substances build up in the arteries. There is an imbalance between deposition of plaque and removal by low-density lipoproteins in smooth muscle cells.
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