MTEL Health/Family and Consumer Sciences

Category - Health and Family Sciences

Which of the following is likely to be most effective in encouraging children to integrate healthy eating patterns into their daily lives?
  1. Avoiding the inclusion of any refined or processed foods in children's snacks and meals.
  2. Including a variety of nutritious foods and items from all major food groups in meals.
  3. Providing children with fruit beverages rather than raw or cooked vegetables and fruits.
  4. Offering small sweets or desserts as rewards when nutritionally balanced meals are completely finished.
Correct Response: B. Experts on healthy eating recommend that meals include a variety of nutritious foods and items from all major food groups. Head Start notes that children may have to try a food on multiple occasions before enjoying it, so having a variety of nutritious choices provides options for children who may not like one item. Head Start also suggests that snacks such as sweets and chips be offered occasionally, rather than entirely excluding them from children's diets (A). Because fruit juice is high in calories, it is not a good substitute for fruits and vegetables (C). Also, using dessert as a reward (D) signals to children that the nutritious parts of the meal are less valuable than the final treat. 
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