Which of the following descriptions of the various procedures used for valvular repair is correctly matched with its name?
  1. Annuloplasty - repairs the junction between the valve leaflet and cardiac muscle
  2. Annuloplasty - repairs the valve leaflet itself
  3. Chordoplasty - repair of ruptured sinus of Valsalva
  4. Chordoplasty - repairs the junction between chordae tendinea and cardiac muscle
Answer- A - “Annuloplasty - repairs the junction between the cardiac valve leaflet and cardiac muscle” represents the correct match. Annuloplasty is a procedure that repairs the junction between the cardiac valve leaflet and cardiac muscle. Two different approaches can be used to perform annuloplasty including the use of ring prosthesis and/or sutures. Chordoplasty is a procedure that involves the repair of an elongated or ruptured chordae tendinea.
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