A patient arrives in the ER complaining of substernal chest pain, profuse sweating and shortness of breath. His vital signs are as follows: Temperature 37 C; HR 110; BP 160/100 mmHg; Respiration 30. Which of the following includes the immediate treatment of the patient?
  1. Oxygen, sublingual nitroglycerin, followed by morphine if the nitroglycerin fails to relieve the pain
  2. Oxygen, morphine, aspirin followed by sublingual nitroglycerin if morphine fails to relieve the pain
  3. Oxygen, aspirin, sublingual nitroglycerin, no morphine due to elevated BP
  4. None of the above
Answer- A - The immediate treatment of the patient includes sublingual nitroglycerin, followed by morphine if the nitroglycerin fails to relieve the pain. The nurse must be able to provide oxygen, nitroglycerine followed by morphine if the nitroglycerine fails as the symptoms above is an indication of possible MI.
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