MTEL Health/Family and Consumer Sciences

Category - Health and Family Sciences

Two individuals who have been friends for several years have recently become estranged due to the behavior of one friend toward the other. The friend whose behavior caused this rift feels badly. Which of the following communication methods would be most effective for this friend to use to begin to heal the relationship?
  1. Minimizing the event.
  2. Providing an excuse.
  3. Accepting responsibility.
  4. Ignoring the event.
Correct Response: C. Guidelines for good communication require that responsibility be accepted in this situation, thereby validating the other person's feelings. Minimizing the event (A) shows a lack of interpersonal skills and effective communication. Providing an excuse (B) would further prolong the bad feelings and leave the issue unresolved. Ignoring the event (D) may be considered psychological manipulation and would not help heal the relationship. 
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