Food Safety

Category - Facilities

When your restaurant receives items such as self-rising flour, your standard operating procedure is to open the packages in which they were shipped, and store the flour in bulk containers for use. What needs to be done to the container in order for this process to be in compliance with current safety codes?
  1. Write the common name on a label and put it on the bulk container.
  2. Cut the label off of the original packing and tape it to the bulk container.
  3. Write “flour” and the lot number on the label and place it on the container lid.
  4. Do nothing to the container.
Answer: A - When following your standard operating procedure and storing items in bulk containers for use, you must label the container with the common name of the food item and the label must be placed on the container. When taking items from their original container, it is important to label them again in the packaging that they will be stored in so they are easily identifiable. This helps to avoid confusion and contamination between products. It is also important that the label be clear and easy to read, and be placed on the container and not the lid, as lids can be switched or lost.
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