CLEP US Government

Category - Interest Groups

When the Coalition for the Advancement of Old People (CAOP) runs commercials on CNN warning viewers that legislation pending in the House would likely cut Medicare, what type of lobbying are they performing?
  1. Direct lobbying
  2. Grassroots lobbying
  3. Social media lobbying
  4. Information campaigns
  5. Coalition building
Answer: D -When the Coalition for the Advancement of Old People (CAOP) runs commercials on CNN warning viewers that legislation pending in the House would likely cut Medicare, they are performing a type of lobbying known as an information campaign. Information campaigns are when interest groups try to inform the public about an issue (generally in the direction of the interest group’s bias). One of the more effective ways to do this is to run ads during news programs, where the audience is likely to be more engaged in politics anyway. This tactic could turn into grassroots lobbying if the interest group then calls for action, but most grassroots lobbying generally only involves members.
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