What is the first action someone should take when entering the restaurant for a work shift?
  1. Sign their time card/ clock in
  2. Wash hands
  3. Change into work clothes
  4. Communicate with the staff

Answer - B - Upon entering the restaurant for a work shift, someone should first wash their hands. Washing your hands is the first action you should take when entering the restaurant for a shift since this reduces the risk of microbes, viruses, and other pathogens from making contact with any surface within the kitchen, front of house work station, as well as many other areas that are used throughout the day.

Note that if you touch a physical time clock, it would make sense to wash your hands again (ed: note added based on insightful comment below)

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Additional Answers

Katherine CarlsonSwick says:

That does not make sense. The time clock may not be sanitary. In fact there is a good chance it's not. So in my opinion you clock in then wash your hands.

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