CLEP US Government

Category - Federalism

What does the Full Faith and Credit Clause of the Constitution declare?
  1. Whenever one state gets in trouble with the banks, all the other states have to bail it out.
  2. Each state must recognize the public records, acts, and licenses of all the other states.
  3. No religious perspective can be preferred over another in government policies.
  4. The government must give credit where credit is due.
  5. The currency of one state must be accepted in other states.
Answer: B- The Full Faith and Credit Clause makes it much easier to travel and do business across state lines because each state must recognize the public records, acts, and licenses of all the other states. If I’m driving from California into Oregon, I don’t have to get a new driver’s license when I enter the new state. Oregon has to recognize my California license. However, there are exceptions. Not every state has to recognize all marriages performed in other states, just the marriages that would be legal in their state.
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