CLEP US Government

Category - Gov. Institutions

What did the War Powers Act do?
  1. It granted the power to declare war to the president.
  2. It required presidents to consult Congress before using military force.
  3. It limited what type of force could be used in fighting wars.
  4. It designated certain countries as part of the “axis of evil”, thus justifying war with them.
  5. It removed the President from his role as Commander in Chief.
Answer: B - The War Powers Act of 1973 was an attempt by Congress to regain some of their constitutional power to declare war by limiting presidential military action. It contained two main requirements: 1) The president must consult Congress before taking any forceful military action, and 2) The president must withdraw forces within 60 days unless Congress declares war or grants an extension. Every president has deemed this law as an unconstitutional limit to their power as Commander in Chief and most presidents have broken at least parts of this law.
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