EPPP Psychology

Category - Cognitive-Affective Bases of Behavior

Three friends, Lauren, Tayler, and Cessily, are all playing in the rugby nationals tournament. All three girls have equal playing abilities. However, on game day, Lauren doesn’t think the tournament is a big deal and thus does not get nervous or even “pumped-up” for the tournament. Tayler knows this tournament is incredibly important to the team and is very nervous about performing well. Cessily is a little nervous and recognizes the importance of the tournament, but also is confident in her abilities. Based on this information and what you know about stress and performance, who is likely to do the best during the rugby tournament?
  1. Lauren
  2. Tayler
  3. Cessily
  4. All the girls will do equally well
Answer: C - Cessily is likely to do the best in the tournament, based on the relationship between stress and performance.
Often stress is thought of as a bad thing, but we know from research that some amount of stress is actually a good thing. Lauren does not see the tournament as a “big deal” and is not nervous about it at all. This low level of stress and arousal is likely to be associated with a low level of performance, as some stress is required for good performance. In the opposite situation, Tayler’s level of stress is likely too high and will prevent her from performing well. Cessily has a moderate amount of stress and thus is likely to perform the best out of the three girls.
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