The protein need for a patient receiving hemodialysis three times per week has been calculated to be 70 grams per day, 75% of which (52.5 g) should be high biological value (HBV). Which of the following food combinations will provide the patient with the necessary HBV protein?
Answer: A - The combination of foods for a renal patient needing 70 grams of protein per day, 75% of which should be high biological value, is 1 egg, 3 ounces of chicken, 3 oz of fish, and ½ cup of milk. Of the 70 grams of protein per day, 52.5 grams need to be high biological value. One exchange (one ounce) of meat and meat substitutes (eggs, fish, poultry) provides 7 g HBV protein, and one exchange (¼ to ½ cup) of dairy products provide 4 g HBV protein:
1 egg = 7 g
3 oz chicken = 21 g
3 oz fish = 21 g
½ c milk = 4 g
Total = 53 g HBV protein
Although soy foods provide high quality protein, the amounts listed here are inadequate to reach 52.5 g HBV protein. In addition, peanut butter is not a good source of HBV protein.