CLEP Western Civ II

Category - Interwar

The New Economic Policy developed in the Soviet Union between 1921 and 1927 had what net effect on the economy?
  1. It was a period of unprecedented growth.
  2. There was no discernible change from the war-era economy.
  3. It resolved some issues from the war but failed to make significant progress.
  4. It became the model for Soviet economics throughout the 20th century.
  5. It required too much foreign capital to be successful.
Answer: C - The New Economic Policy addressed some of the issues of the war but failed to make significant progress. This economic restructuring was designed to address the trade imbalance between rural and urban areas by allowing farmers to trade their crops more freely. Because it favored large farms, or kulaks, much of the peasantry became day laborers. Thus, it mitigated some of the issues but brought production only as far as pre-war levels, indicating no significant progress.
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