Group Training Specialist Free Exam Prep

Category - NASM Group Training Specialist Practice Test

The Group Fitness Instructor is responsible for providing the most effective workout in the shortest time. Which three triceps exercises have been shown to elicit the GREATEST muscle activity?
  1. The triangle pushup, dip and triceps kickback
  2. The traditional pushup, dip and lying barbell triceps extension
  3. The triangle pushup, closed-grip bench press and bar push-down
  4. The traditional pushup, bar push-down and rope push-down
Answer: A - The triangle pushup is currently considered the gold standard for generating triceps activity, however, ACE-sponsored research has showed that dips and triceps kickbacks are nearly as effective. “Essentially all three exercises could be used interchangeably,” reports ACE researcher Brittany Boehler, B.S. The closed grip bench press, bar push-down, rope push-down and lying barbell triceps extension all produce significantly less muscle activity in the triceps.
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