Group Training Specialist Free Exam Prep

Category - NASM Group Training Specialist Practice Test

The contract-relax stretching technique applies the principle of reciprocal inhibition. Which of the following BEST describes how this stretching technique is performed?
  1. After a 10 second passive stretch, the participant holds and resists the force provided by the instructor, then the participant relaxes his or her muscles and allows the instructor to apply additional passive stretch.
  2. After a 10 second passive stretch, the participant pushes against the force provided by the instructor and moves the limb being stretched through the full range of motion of the targeted muscle group. The participant then relaxes his or her muscles and allows the instructor to apply additional passive stretch.
  3. The participant holds and resists the force provided by the instructor, then the participant relaxes his or her muscles and allows the instructor to apply additional passive stretch.
  4. The participant pushes against the force provided by the instructor and moves the limb being stretched through the full range of motion of the targeted muscle group. The participant then relaxes his or her muscles and allows the instructor to apply additional passive stretch.
Answer: B - To perform the contract-relax stretching technique correctly, the fitness professional applies a passive 10-second stretch to the participant. The fitness professional then applies a force that resists the muscle being stretched so that the participant can perform a concentric muscle contraction through the full range of motion. The muscle is then stretched again for 30 seconds to increase the range of motion of the muscle group being stretched. This technique may be beyond the scope of practice of the Group Fitness Instructor in some situations.
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