Group Training Specialist Free Exam Prep

Category - NASM Group Training Specialist Practice Test

Which of the following is the BEST definition of “standard of care”?
  1. Above all, doing no harm
  2. Providing a level of instruction commensurate with current professional standards
  3. Making the dangers of an exercise program or test procedures known
  4. Identification and evaluation of risks and specific risk areas
Answer: C - A group fitness instructor who meets the “standard of care” is providing a level of instruction commensurate with that followed by his or her professional peers and supported by professional standards. A standard of care is often a written statement of rules, actions or conditions that can direct care and be used to gauge performance. The phrase “above all, do no harm,” (often cited as the Latin expression, primum non nocere) is part of the so-called Hippocratic injunction, used by health care providers as a foundational principle.
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