ATF Special Agent Exam Prep

Category - ICE Special Agent

The alphanumeric coding of a fingerprint is a systematic description of the main patterns on the print. Within a certain metropolitan district, 90% of the population have fingerprints that can be alphanumerically coded.
  1. Can be alphanumerically coded, with a probability of 10%
  2. Can be alphanumerically coded, with a probability of less than 90%
  3. Cannot be alphanumerically coded, with a probability of 10%
  4. Cannot be alphanumerically coded, with a probability of up to 90%
  5. May be coded alphanumerically, but the probability is unknown
Answer: C - We know from the second sentence that 90% of the people in this district have fingerprints that can be coded. Therefore, we know that 10% (100%-90%=10%) have fingerprints that cannot be coded. Given this information, the chance of selecting a person from this district with fingerprints that can be coded is 90% and the chance of selecting a person from this district with fingerprints that cannot be coded is 10%. Response A is incorrect because a probability of 10% is an underestimate of the probability that the fingerprints of a person from this district can be coded. Response B is incorrect because, like response A, it is an underestimate. Response D is incorrect because it is an overestimate of the probability that the fingerprints of a person from this district cannot be coded. Response E is incorrect because the probability that the fingerprints can be coded is known to be 90%.
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