EPPP Psychology

Category - Treatment, Intervention, Prevention, and Supervision

Ronald is terrified of hypodermic injections. His therapist suggests a method of gradually introducing him to hypodermic needles known as ____________.
  1. Systematic desensitization
  2. Cognitive restructuring
  3. Paired therapy
  4. Shock therapy
Answer: A - Ronald is terrified of hypodermic injections. His therapist suggests a method of gradually introducing him to hypodermic needles known as systematic desensitization.

Systematic desensitization is a behavioral therapy method used to help people overcome extreme fears that would otherwise interfere with normal functioning. This method relies on initial teachings of relaxation techniques to the patient. Once the patient masters these techniques, the object of fear such as a hypodermic needle is introduced gradually in a safe and supportive environment. For example, Ronald will be initially just shown pictures of a needle, and when he is comfortable enough, may touch a real needle.

The goal of the therapy is to separate the object from the strong psychological response of fear and anxiety. While all fear may not disappear, the person will learn to control their anxiety enough to complete necessary tasks such as get immunizations.
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