EPPP Psychology

Category - Social and Cultural Bases of Behavior

In 1999, Chartrand and Bargh conducted a study on interpersonal communication and behavior which resulted in a theory called the chameleon effect. What does this theory claim?
  1. That people are likely to adopt personality traits of those around them they like and respect
  2. That people unconsciously change linguistic patterns and styles of communication to match those they are interacting with
  3. That people unconsciously mimic physical behaviors and mannerisms of those they are interacting with
  4. That people tend to respond to others’ emotional states by either counterbalancing with their own emotional state or matching it to those they are interacting with
Answer: C - Chartrand and Bargh’s findings, referred to as the chameleon effect, state that people unconsciously mimic physical behaviors and mannerisms of those they are interacting with. Adjusting motor behavior in this manner is thought to facilitate better interaction and increase admiration between interaction partners.
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