EPPP Psychology

Category - Social and Cultural Bases of Behavior

Which of the following best describes the use of representativeness heuristic?
  1. Mary likes museums. When asked if Mary is a librarian or a nurse, most people would say that she is a librarian despite knowing very little about her.
  2. A student hears that the average grade on her most recent exam was a 92 out of a possible 100. She then estimates her own score to be higher than she would without having known the class average.
  3. After being in several car crashes within the past few months, David estimates that the rate at which people are involved in traffic accidents is much higher than reality.
  4. After her mother was hospitalized for several weeks because of a nasty infection, Janet became more frightened of bacteria and viruses than before, as it was easier for her to imagine them causing her severe medical problems.
Answer: A - Mary likes museums. When asked if Mary is a librarian or a nurse, most people would say that she is a librarian despite knowing very little about her is an example of representativeness heuristic.

The last three answer choices are best described by using anchoring and adjustment, availability, and simulation heuristics, not representativeness heuristics.
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