EPPP Psychology

Category - Ethical, Legal, and Professional Issues

Research shows that crime scene profiling has significant _________ and ___________ in solving crimes.
  1. Reliability; validity
  2. Reliability; credibility
  3. Validity; believability
  4. Validity; feasibility
Answer: A - Research shows that crime scene profiling has significant reliability and validity in solving crimes. Crime scene profiling can help solve crimes by studying the consistent pattern of behavioral traits across different situations. For example, a crime of passion usually happens when cheating within an intimate relationship is discovered. A crime scene profile of a crime of passion shows an excessive and exaggerated destruction of property, such as setting a house on fire or slashing vehicle tires. In physical assault cases, the crime scene also shows the use of excessive and repeated force of the victim. These point crime scene observations lead detectives to believe that rage and extreme anger are involved in committing these crimes.
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