EPPP Psychology

Category - Growth and Lifespan Development

Freud’s exploration of the Oedipus conflict and possible sexual etiologies of neurosis contributed to his theory of psychosexual development. His theory includes three stages that children go through early in life. In what order do those three stages occur, according to Freud?
  1. Anal, oral, phallic
  2. Oral, anal, phallic
  3. Phallic, oral, anal
  4. Oral, anal, genital
Answer: B - Freud described the first stages of psychosexual development as thus: oral (demonstrated by an infant’s enjoyment of breastfeeding); anal (demonstrated by a toddler’s enjoyment of defecating); and then phallic. He posited that following stages were Oedipal, latency, and finally, genital (which marked sexual maturity).
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