EPPP Psychology

Category - Growth and Lifespan Development

A child named Ann tells you that it is okay for her to steal a candy bar from a store in order to make her friends like her more. According to Kohlberg’s theory, she is likely to be at what stage of her moral development?
  1. Law and Order
  2. Good-boy/good-girl
  3. Punishment and Obedience
  4. Instrumental Hedonism
Answer: B - Ann is at the good-boy/good-girl stage according to Kohlberg’s theory.
During the good-boy/good-girl stage, children think that the right action is the one that brings them the approval of others. In the Law and Order stage, a child’s moral judgments are based on the rules and laws that authoritative figures have created . In Punishment and Obedience, a child tries to avoid punishments by displaying “good behavior” and obeying the rules. In Instrumental Hedonism, a child believes that good behaviors will lead to benefits and rewards.
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