Pericardial fluid has been aspirated and examined from a patient presenting with pericardial effusion. The fluid examination report shows a transudative fluid. Which of the following is unlikely to be the cause of this pericardial effusion?
  1. Hypoalbuminemia/hypoproteinemia
  2. Congestive heart failure
  3. Aortic dissection
  4. Hypothyroidism
Answer- C - Aortic dissection is unlikely to be the cause of transudative pericardial fluid.
There are two types of effusions:
•Transudative (serous): CHF, hypoalbuminemia/hypoproteinemia, hypothyroidism
•Exudative (serosanguinous or bloody): Causes similar to the causes of acute pericarditis, may develop acute effusion secondary to hemopericardium (trauma, post MI myocardial rupture, aortic dissection)
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