MTEL Technology and Engineering

Category - Tech and Engineering

In manufacturing and engineering, tolerance refers to:
  1. The average error in a series of measurements.
  2. The clearance between two workpieces.
  3. The actual measured dimension of a workpiece.
  4. A permissible deviation from a specification.
Correct Response: D. In engineering and manufacturing, dimensions are often specified as follows: 
.500 +.002 -.001 in. In this case, a part is acceptable if the measurement is no smaller than .500 - .001 in., and no larger than .500 + .002 in. In this case, +.002 in. and -.001 in. are referred to as the tolerances of the specification. Choice (A) is concerned with the actual errors in the measurements, which is not the same as tolerance. Tolerance is concerned with the maximum allowable errors specified in the design. Choice (B) is concerned with the clearance between two workpieces. While this is not the same as tolerance, it is certainly affected by tolerances. Choice (C) is concerned with the actual dimensions of the finished workpiece, while tolerance is only concerned with the design specifications used to make the workpiece.
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