MTEL Health/Family and Consumer Sciences

Category - Health and Family Sciences

In health education practice, which of the following approaches best demonstrates sensitivity and equity to students in relation to sexual orientation?
  1. Using gender-neutral terminology such as "partner" instead of "boyfriend" or "girlfriend" when discussing romantic relationships.
  2. Planning for discussions of issues such as gender roles and stereotypes by researching the latest theories on the Internet.
  3. Expressing disapproval of serious romantic relationships at the high school level, regardless of sexual orientation
  4. Including explanations of patriarchal and matriarchal forms of social organization in sexual education courses.
Correct Response: A. Using gender-neutral terminology when discussing romantic relationships removes references that could be interpreted as having a heterosexist bias. Conducting Internet research about gender roles and stereotypes (B) and studying patriarchal and matriarchal societies (D) would by definition be about topics other than sexual orientation. Expressing disapproval of serious romantic relationships at the high school level (C) reveals an attitude about all relationships, not just those between two young people of the same gender. 
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