Group Training Specialist Free Exam Prep

Category - NASM Group Training Specialist Practice Test

If participants are confident in their ability to exercise on their own, they are more likely to continue a lifestyle in which they exercise. Which method would not be successful in building confidence in your class participants?
  1. Give participants alternative means of exercise when they must miss a scheduled class
  2. Critique participants’ performance until it becomes nearly perfect
  3. Encourage participants to take part in physical activity outside of class at least one time per week
  4. Give praise to participants who participated in exercise outside of class
Answer: B - Too much feedback, particularly negative feedback, actually decreases participants’ confidence and will adversely affect adherence to an exercise program. By encouraging participants to take part in physical activity outside of class at least one time per week, you will help build their confidence in their ability to exercise and to diversify their fitness routines.
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