Group Training Specialist Free Exam Prep

Category - NASM Group Training Specialist Practice Test

It’s Christmas in July at the club… and Santa brought some cutting-edge workout gear for all. Which of the following would be the LEAST appropriate reason for bringing new equipment to a group class?
  1. The introduction of appropriately-selected equipment will spruce up an existing class, adding excitement to reinvigorate a workout
  2. The introduction of new equipment will make any exercise more complex or difficult, thus amplifying the difficulty of the class
  3. The introduction of new equipment may offer individuals of different fitness levels better options
  4. As the industry grows, better equipment options become available and new equipment should be phased in as appropriate
Answer: B - While the perfect piece of equipment can reinvigorate any workout, the introduction of new equipment should never be done merely to ramp up the difficulty or complexity of a class. Any equipment chosen should bring something valuable to the table. The exercise item should match the overall goals for the exercise class and should attempt to match the various fitness levels of the participants.
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