MTEL Health/Family and Consumer Sciences

Category - Health and Family Sciences

At a park, two teenagers sitting on a bench begin to ridicule two middle school students who are talking nearby. The teenagers remain seated but their taunts grow louder as they try to get a reaction from the middle school students. Which of the following actions would be most appropriate for the middle school students to take in this situation?
  1. Stay put and ignore the teenagers, but be prepared to run if the teenagers leave the bench.
  2. Walk a short distance away and loudly warn the teenagers to stop or they will get help.
  3. Avoid eye contact and verbal engagement with the teenagers and walk away.
  4. Stare at the teenagers and walk slowly by them to demonstrate that they are not intimidated.
Correct Response: C. Some researchers agree that avoiding eye contact and engagement while removing oneself from the situation is the best way to answer a verbal attack by a bully or set of bullies. Researchers agree that running from bullies (A) will generally tend to incite them to further aggression. Walking a short distance away and engaging verbally with the teenagers (B) will likely incite them to escalate the situation. Likewise, staring at the teenagers and walking by them slowly to demonstrate a lack of intimidation (D) runs the risk of escalating the situation. 
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