CLEP US Government

Category - Interest Groups

As James Madison uses the term in Federalist #10, what is a faction?
  1. An interest group that seeks to harm individuals or the country as a whole.
  2. An interest group that splits off from a larger interest group.
  3. It is the same thing as a political party.
  4. Members of Congress who are of a different political party than the President.
  5. The result of members of the Cabinet disagreeing with each other on policy.
Answer: A - According to Madison, a faction is an interest group that seeks to harm individuals or the country as a whole. Madison was highly concerned with the harm factions-groups of people who were out for their own rather than the overall good-could do in a democracy. He did not think they could be stopped, but he thought that their influence could be limited if you set up the government in certain ways. He believed they should be slowed down by setting up government institutions in such a way that the various factions had to compete with each other.
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