EPPP Psychology

Category - Social and Cultural Bases of Behavior

An example where groupthink occurred is __________ .
  1. A tiny, isolated country of cohesive residents all believe they are a superpower, yet change their minds when they get connection to the outside world
  2. A tiny, isolated country of cohesive residents all believe they are a superpower in the world, thus deciding to enter into war with a much more powerful nation
  3. A tiny, isolated country of cohesive residents all believe they are a superpower, but make no decisions based on this assumed knowledge
  4. None of the above
Answer: B - Groupthink is a term that explains how cohesion within a group engages in (and justify) negative decision-making. Due to the isolative nature of the above-mentioned country, the residents depend on only each other for influence, and information, and make decisions (in this case a negative decision) based on what they, as a group, believe to be true.
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