EPPP Psychology

Category - Social and Cultural Bases of Behavior

Jackson believes that his high first quarter sales are because he worked hard, but his low second quarter sales are because the market is quiet. This is an example of __________.
  1. Self-serving bias
  2. Self-serving attribution
  3. Business-school delusion
  4. Market bias
Answer: A - Jackson believes that his high first quarter sales are because he worked hard, but his low second quarter sales are because the market is quiet. This is an example of self-serving bias. Self-serving bias is the tendency for humans to attribute their success to personal qualities and their failures to environmental factors. Jackson believes that his hard work lead to high sales figures, while environmental (market) problems lead to low sales figures in the poor performing quarter. The self-serving bias aims to protect a person’s confidence and shelter them from the mental and emotional impact of failure.
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