Category - XP

After installing new device drivers, you have encountered problems with a computer and the computer will not boot properly. You believe the new hardware drivers are the cause. Using Windows XP Professional, what can you do to verify this?
  1. Shut down the computer and reboot. Press F8 at the system prompt and select the Last Known Good Configuration.
  2. Log on to the computer if you are able and check your resource allocations for device conflicts.
  3. Roll back the driver to the previous version.
  4. Reload the device drivers you’ve just installed and reboot the computer.
Answer - A - Reboot the computer, press F8 and select the last known good configuration.

Key Takeaway: Many times, new driver installations are not successful. The new versions may cause compatibility issues with the OS. In such cases, the computer will not boot to the OS. The best thing to do is to reset the settings to the Last Known Good Configuration, which stores the set of hardware settings which worked last.
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