Category - XP

You decide to implement Internet Connection Sharing so that four computers can connect to the Internet via a single DSL connection. Which of the following requirements must be met in order to use ICS?
  1. VPN connection
  2. All network clients must be configured to obtain an IP address automatically.
  3. Network clients configured to use WINS
  4. All network clients must have the ICS service installed.
Answer - B - In order to use ICS, all network clients must be configured to obtain an IP address automatically.

Key Takeaway: ICS makes use of the DHCP service to assign IP addresses to the other computers using the connection. This service is not customizable in terms of which addresses are used for the internal subnet and contains no provisions for bandwidth limiting. The server will normally have the IP address (the IP Address is changeable) and will provide NAT services to the whole 192.168.0.x subnet, even if the address on the client was set manually and not by the DHCP server.
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