MTEL Health/Family and Consumer Sciences

Category - Health and Family Sciences

A young adult has made an appointment for a regular medical check-up at a new community health-care center. Which of the following strategies is likely to be most useful in facilitating effective communication with health-care providers at the center? 
  1. Becoming familiar with recent trends in alternative or complementary medicine.
  2. Bringing a friend or relative along to help interpret or review information provided.
  3. Being prepared to discuss any concerns and personal and family medical history.
  4. Researching the educational levels and work experiences of health-care center staff.
Correct Response: C. According to the American Medical Association (AMA), successful medical care relies on open communication by the patient. Open, honest discussion of medical concerns and the availability of personal and family medical history are the first two items identified on the AMA's list of patient responsibilities. Community health-care centers are highly unlikely to employ alternative or complementary medicine (A). Even if the patient wants to pursue alternative treatment, knowing the options in this area will not facilitate effective communication with the health-care providers at the health clinic in question. Because many non-English speakers may seek medical treatment at a community health-care center, having an interpreter (B) may also be an important step in facilitating effective communication. However, many clinics have bilingual staff, negating the need for the patient to bring his or her interpreter. Although knowing the educational levels of the medical professionals at the center (D) might influence the patient's confidence in the staff, this information will not improve communication. 
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