MTEL Health/Family and Consumer Sciences

Category - Health and Family Sciences

A 16-year-old student is thinking about making major changes to his diet as part of an effort to lose weight. Which of the following is the most authoritative source of information on the types of changes he should consider?
  1. Friends who have lost weight.
  2. Articles on dieting in fitness magazines.
  3. A physician or dietician.
  4. Personal trainer or fitness instructor.
Correct Response: C. Physicians and dieticians have received special training on the types of diets that will be effective for weight loss without causing other medical issues and would best be able to help the student determine an appropriate diet plan. Friends who have lost weight (A) may or may not have been following a medically sound approach to their diet. Even if their approach was medically sound, it may not be appropriate for the individual needs of the student trying to lose weight. Articles on dieting in fitness magazines (B) may represent healthy approaches to dieting, or they could reflect diet fads. It is better to consult a physician or dietician than to rely solely on information found in a magazine. Although a personal trainer or fitness instructor (D) would likely be able to recommend a fitness program to help the student lose weight, any dietary changes the student makes should be approved by his doctor. 
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