A Windows XP computer unexpectedly and repeatedly restarts after Shut Down. You want to gather as much information as possible on the event so you can diagnose the error. Of the following, what actions can you implement? (choose all that apply)
  1. Systems Properties box - Advanced tab - Startup and Recovery Settings - clear the Automatically Restart check box.
  2. Systems Properties box - Advanced tab - Startup and Recovery Settings - select the Debug Write Information check box.
  3. Systems Properties box - Advanced tab - Startup and Recovery Settings - select the Write an Event to the System Log check box.
  4. Systems Properties box - Advanced tab - Startup and Recovery Settings - select the Send an Administrative Alert check box.
Answer: A and C - In Startup and Recovery, you can clear the Automatically Restart check box to prevent the system from restarting when it encounters an error and select Write an Event to the System Log for information gathering.

Key Takeaway: To view the error information, go into Control Panel - Administrative Tools - Event Viewer.
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