MTEL Technology and Engineering

Category - Tech and Engineering

A sound is traveling through a gas. Which of the following changes would most likely cause an increase in the speed of the sound?
  1. A. Reducing the frequency of the sound.
  2. Replacing the gas with a more dense gas.
  3. Raising the temperature of the gas
  4. Increasing the amplitude of the sound.
Correct Response: C. The speed of sound in a gas is approximately equal to the average speed of the gas molecules. Since the average speed of the gas molecules increases with temperature, the speed of sound through a gas increases with increasing temperature. The speed of sound in an ideal gas is not affected by the frequency (A) of the sound. In air, reducing the frequency results in a very slight reduction in the speed of sound. Replacing the gas with a more dense gas (B) would result in a reduction in speed since the molecules are heavier. The speed of sound is independent of the amplitude (D).
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