MTEL Technology and Engineering

Category - Tech and Engineering

Typically, lasers in DVD players operate at a wavelength of about 640 nm. Lasers in CD players typically operate at a wavelength of 780 nm. The reason for the smaller wavelength in DVDs is that the smaller wavelength:
  1. Results in higher resolution.
  2. Allows for compact equipment.
  3. Saves on energy usage.
  4. Has greater burning power.
Correct Response: A. The maximum possible resolution of a laser, as well as other optical instruments, is inversely proportional to the wavelength of the light. This limitation is caused by the diffraction of the light rays, which is proportional to the wavelength. Hence, a smaller wavelength is required to attain the required high resolution of a DVD player. This design constraint for DVD players is not related to compactness of equipment (B), energy efficiency (C), or burning power (D).
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