MTEL Health/Family and Consumer Sciences

Category - Health and Family Sciences

Which of the following methods should one generally use first when trying to control bleeding from a wound?
  1. Applying pressure indirectly to the wound by placing the thumb or finger on a pressure point.
  2. Using an air splint to create a pressure bandage.
  3. Applying direct pressure to the wound and elevating the bleeding part.
  4. Making a tourniquet and applying it to the wound.
Correct Response: C. To control bleeding, apply direct pressure to the wound. If possible, avoid direct contact with the blood by using gloves and/or by placing a clean cloth over the wound before applying pressure. Elevating the wound also helps by decreasing blood flow to the injured area. Applying indirect pressure at a pressure point (A) is not as effective as applying direct pressure in controlling bleeding. Air splints (B) are generally used to immobilize fractures, not to control bleeding. Although tourniquets (D) can be effective in limiting blood loss when the wound is on a limb, inappropriate or prolonged use can cause significant harm. Because of the potential for nerve and/or tissue damage, it is recommended that only those with specific training in the use of tourniquets apply them. 
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