A nurse is caring for a patient on digoxin therapy. It is the responsibility of the nurse to know the signs and symptoms of digoxin toxicity. Which of the following is correct?
  1. Halo effect on vision, ventricular bigeminy, PVC, anorexia
  2. Bradycardia, nausea, vomiting, headache
  3. PVC, anorexia, ventricular bigeminy, bleeding
  4. Tachypnea, anorexia, PVC, nausea
Answer- A - “Halo effect on vision, ventricular bigeminy, PVC, anorexia” are the correct signs and symptoms of digoxin toxicity. Signs and symptoms of digoxin toxicity include anorexia, bradycardia, halo effect on vision, nausea, vomiting, paroxysmal atrial tachycardia, premature ventricular contractions and ventricular bigeminy.
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