A midwife is assessing a client who is at 25 weeks’ gestation. The midwife measures the client’s fundal height from the symphysis pubis to the fundus to estimate fetal growth. A measurement of 30 cm is obtained. The midwife should consider all of the following conditions except:
  1. Multiple pregnancy
  2. A large - for - gestational - age infant
  3. Hydatidiform mole
  4. Anencephaly
Answer: D - Anencephaly is not likely to be considered by the midwife. The Using McDonald’s rule, you can estimate the fetal growth by measuring the distance from the fundus to the symphysis pubis. A normal measurement is usually equal to the week of gestation between the 20th and 31st week of gestation. A measurement of 30 cm suggests that the fundal height is much greater than the standard, suggesting a multiple pregnancy, a large - for - gestational - age infant or hydatidiform mole. Anencephaly is considered if the fundal height is less than the standard.
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