CPM Certified Professional Midwife

Category - General Healthcare Skills

A midwife is about to perform a Leopold’s maneuver on a client who is at 25 weeks’ gestation. Before the examination, which of the following actions by the midwife is the least appropriate?
  1. Instruct the client to empty her bladder.
  2. Wash hands, dry with a clean towel, and then palpate for the fetal outline.
  3. Place the client in the dorsal recumbent position, supine with the knees flexed.
  4. Use the palms to palpate for the fetal outline.
Answer: B - The midwife should wash her hands, dry them with a clean towel and then rub her hands together before palpating for the fetal outline. If the hands are not warmed after washing, the cold temperature may stimulate uterine contractions. The other options are appropriate actions before starting the Leopold’s maneuver.
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