A child has a patent ductus arteriosus (PDA). Which of the following statements is true regarding this condition?
  1. PDA leads to right ventricular volume overload
  2. It always presents in isolation and is never a part of complex congenital defects
  3. If PDA persists beyond third month of life, it is an indication of surgery
  4. Transcatheter closure is done using an amplatzer device
Answer- C - The true statement regarding this condition is if PDA persists beyond third month of life, it is an indication of surgery.
Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA):
•Can increase pulmonary blood flow and produce pulmonary vascular congestion and LV volume overload
•Patency may be critical to survival in neonates with complex heart disease by providing pulmonary or systemic blood flow
•Indications for surgery: PDA contributing to respiratory compromise or persisting beyond 3rd month of life
•Surgical procedures: transcatheter closure using intravascular coils, simple ligation, surgical division
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