A 40-year old male patient has been diagnosed to have Buerger’s disease. The nurse is explaining this patient about the available treatment options for his condition. Which of the following treatment methods should the nurse not mention to the patient?
  1. Smoking cessation
  2. Anti-coagulants
  3. Lipid-lowering agents like statins
  4. Surgery to cut nerves in infected painful areas
Answer- C - The nurse should not mention lipid-lowering agents like statins as a treatment method in this patient. The main treatment of Buerger’s disease is smoking cessation which will halt progression of the disease. Other options for the treatment of Buerger’s disease include anti-coagulation agents or anti-platelet agents to improve blood flow, surgery to cut nerves in infected painful areas, as well as digit amputation due to extensive infection or gangrene.
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