Vet Manager Exam Prep - Question List

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6. When considering the paperwork required for court proceedings, what two things generally define case titles?
  1. Names of the parties to the lawsuit
  2. Names of the attorneys
  3. Two upper case Vs
  4. Names of the parties to the lawsuit and a small v
7. In the event of a lawsuit at the trail court level, which name in a lawsuit is listed first, at the top of the legal case heading?
  1. Judge
  2. Plaintiff
  3. Defendants
  4. Both parties to the lawsuit
8. In the United States, which court is the lowest in the land, in the terms of authority?
  1. Appellate court
  2. Court of appeals
  3. Magistrates court
  4. Special court
9. Under which law do most cases that involve Veterinary professional liability originate from?
  1. Criminal law
  2. Law of malpractice
  3. Law of civil negligence
  4. Probate law
10. In consideration of veterinary lawsuits, there are three types of damages that can be awarded. In addition to nominal and compensatory, which of the following choices is the third type of damages that can be awarded?
  1. Punitive
  2. Veterinary
  3. Compensatory
  4. Altruistic

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