FNP Family Nurse Practitioner Exam Prep

Category - FNP Practice Questions

A mother is upset because her 8-year-old daughter developed a right breast mass. She asks the FNP what she should do. The FNP bases his/her response on knowing that the breast mass is most likely due to which of the following:

  1. Gynecomastia
  2. Precocious pseudo puberty
  3. Precocious thelarche
  4. The onset of puberty
  5. Cancer

Answer: D - The onset of puberty may start as early as age 8, with development possibly beginning unilaterally. Gynecomastia is the development of breast tissue in males. Precocious pseudo puberty is a precocity that develops with no early secretion of gonadotropin. Precocious thelarche occurs before the onset of the pubertal period, which can start as young as age 8.

The average age for the onset of puberty in girls is around age 11, but it is not uncommon for it to begin as early as age 8 or as late as age 14.

It is important to note that the age at which puberty begins can vary greatly and is influenced by several factors, including genetics, nutrition, and overall health. Early onset of puberty can be a normal variation, but in some cases, it may be a sign of an underlying medical condition, such as precocious puberty.

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