FNP Family Nurse Practitioner Exam Prep

Category - Changes in Health

A caretaker brings in Mrs. Wright, an 81-year-old female.  She is quickly diagnosed with pneumonia. On routine assessment, the FNP observes that the client is demonstrating signs of difficulty breathing. Mrs. Wright is also complaining of difficulty expelling her secretions. Auscultation of the lung fields reveals bronchial sounds in the left lower lobe. Which of the following interventions is provided to the client first?

  1. Instruct bed rest.
  2. Administer oxygen.
  3. Increase fluid intake per hour.
  4. Administer antibiotics.

Answer: B - Oxygen Administration is the first treatment for a client with dyspnea due to pneumonia. The client with dyspnea is at risk of becoming hypoxic.  Bed rest, increased fluid intake, and antibiotic administration are provided to clients with pneumonia and dyspnea, but they are not the FNP's first action. These actions do not resolve the immediate need of the client. Antibiotic administration is a consideration that can follow the immediate needs of ensuring the patient's oxygen levels do not become a risk.

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